Tuesday, November 4, 2008

jews and jinxs

I can kinda see both sides on the story about the kid dressing up as hitler. He can (orshouldbeableto) dress however he wants, with reguards to the school dresscode of course. But then I can also see how jewish people might find it offensive.

Now 10 things I lurve about halloween:
1. Spooky
2. Tv shows with the halloween theme
3. Scary movies that occur during halloween
4. Its usually cold enough to cuddle with someone ;]
5. Watching kids freakout on candy
6. Giving kids extra candy
7. Parties. That should be a given. Lol
8. Sometimes we have candy leftover
9. The halloween "mood"
10. The moon. The moon's usually nice on halloween. And this year it was a cresent and you could see venus! I loved it.

1 comment:

Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

glad to see you are keeping up your blog!!! i look forward to reading future posts!!! hope you are happy in amarillo...we miss you here in c-town!! :) hope urrything is good for you! ;)